What happens to the Shoebox now?

Crowdfunding campaign exceeds expectations!

In case you missed it, we raised a whopping £52,000 from our crowdfunder campaign to help us try to buy and refurbish our Castle Meadow premises! ?

Fundamentally, The Shoebox exists to strengthen our local community, but the last six months have really driven home that our community strengthens The Shoebox too.

Once again, a huge thank you to all of you who contributed to and shared our crowdfunder campaign!

So…what happens now?

If you selected a reward for your contribution, we’re currently working our way through these and will be in touch soon if we haven’t already been.

Our next steps will be to apply for a commercial mortgage and to approach the landlord with an offer to buy the building. We will of course keep you up to date with any big developments, as well as our progress with the building’s internal make over!

If someone had told us six months ago that we’d be in this position now, we simply wouldn’t have believed them. The prospect of continuing to offer our Hidden Street tours, our other experiences and, most importantly, our community work long into the future is only a possibility because of you. So thank you!